The most important changes in VIMP 4.2

Reading time: 3 min

VIMP 4.2 contains many new features that improve the end-user experience and simplify administration. Read below what has changed.

Upload improvements

With VIMP 4.2 your users can already select a preview image for their video from an automatically created selection during the upload. Of course you still have the possibility to upload an individual thumbnail.

When entering tags, suitable terms will now be suggested based on your input. This makes tag input even faster and reduces the risk of typos.

Innovations on the media page

VIMP 4.2 recognizes time specifications in the description text of a video. These are then displayed as a link and when you click on them, your visitors jump to the corresponding place in the video.

The media of a channel, a group, a category or an album can now be browsed simply by clicking on the new forward and backward buttons below the video.

Videos can now be downloaded in all available formats.

Media can now have file attachments. A defined maximum number of files can now be added to each medium, which are then available for download.Extended import and export functions

You can now both export individual media records administratively and import an existing user base via CSV.


The administration area was fundamentally re-designed and the performance increased. The numerous configuration items have been grouped in a meaningful way so that settings can be found more easily.

360 degree videos

VIMP 4.2 now also supports 360 degree videos. With these you can change the viewing angle in the video arbitrarily and thus “look around” in the video.

Safety and security

Users can optionally be prompted to change their password after the first login.

The amount of time that SysLog entries are held can now be set.

While entering a new password, the password strength is visualized based on the password settings.

Extended import and export functions

You can now both export individual media records administratively and import an existing user base via CSV.

PayPal Plus Support

VIMP now also supports PayPal Plus for the optional payment function. Your customers can buy credits via PayPal, credit card and other payment methods, which they can use to view paid content.
Further technical innovations and important notes

Further technical innovations and important notes

VIMP 4.2 also contains technical innovations “under the hood”, which we describe in detail in this article.
Read more about the complete list of new features in our Release Notes or contact us if you have any questions via our contact form or by phone at +49 (0) 89 1200 1020.