With VIMP 4.1 you can enjoy numerous new functions, improvements and optimizations. We would like to introduce the most important ones in the following. First, we will explain some new features in the user area, before we will briefly discuss changes “under the hood” at the end.
Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABR)
VIMP already supports different quality levels and switches through them dynamically depending on the available bandwidth.
While – so far – the analysis of the bandwidth is done by the player, the new adaptive bitrate streaming is done by the streaming server. This enables a much smoother transition from one quality level to the next.
If you already have a streaming server in use, you can use ABR immediately after creating the required control files once. If you do not yet have a streaming server in use, this consideration may be even more worthwhile. Contact us, if you have further questions on this topic.
Embedplayer with click-loading
When embedding videos, you now have the choice whether only a preview image shall be included first and the player is only loaded after clicking on it, or whether the player will be loaded immediately as usual. The advantage of the first variation is that the loading time of the website where the player is embedded is reduced. This is especially noticeable if you integrate multiple players on one page.
Display Transcoding Progress
Once your users have uploaded a video, they will see the transcoding progress on the media details page.
While the video is being converted to the required formats, the media data can already be added.
The video will be available in the portal as soon as the default format has been completely transcoded.
The additional formats will gradually appear for selection as they are completed.
Continue video
With VIMP 4.1 you can administratively determine whether videos should be continued at the same point in time after your visitors have interrupted the playback by a possible page change.
Performance optimizations
Thanks to extensive performance optimizations, we were able to reduce the page load time by around 30%. This was achieved on the one hand by further optimizations of the database queries and on the other hand by reducing server requests and improving caching behavior.
Further technical innovations
As already announced at the beginning, VIMP 4.1 has also changed a lot “under the hood”. This was necessary for the compatibility to the new PHP and MySQL versions as well as for the optimization of the loading times. Among the changes are the renewal of the algorithm for the license keys, the concatenation of CSS and JS files as well as various optimizations of the code for improved compatibility with PHP 7.2 and MySQL 5.7. A detailed overview of the changes can be found in this article.
Read more about the complete list of new features in our Release Notes or contact us via our contact form or by phone at +49 (0) 89 1200 1020 if you have any questions .